The nose is crucial for proper breathing and respiratory health. It consists of external and internal structures that help filter, humidify, and warm the air we breathe.
External Nose: Includes the nostrils and the visible part made of cartilage and bone.
Nasal Cavity: The internal passage behind the nostrils, divided by the nasal septum, lined with mucous membranes to filter and moisten air.
Turbinates: Bony structures inside the nasal cavity that help regulate airflow and humidify the air.
Sinuses: Air-filled cavities that lighten the skull and produce mucous.
Role in Breathing
The nose filters out dust and bacteria, warms and moistens the air, and regulates airflow into the lungs. It also aids in the sense of smell, which can detect harmful substances in the air.
Impact on Health
Obstructions like nasal congestion, polyps, or a deviated septum can impair airflow, leading to breathing difficulties, snoring, and increased infection risk. Mouth breathing due to nasal issues can lead to dryness, gum diseases such as gingivitis and irritation in the airways.
The nose is essential for breathing and protecting the lungs. Keeping it healthy is key to maintaining good respiratory function.
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