Winter Nose Care: What You Need to Know

Winter Nose Care: What You Need to Know

It’s that time of year. Dry air and a chilly winter days are here. Some Aussies are heading to slopes for the gentle snowflake drop and some are walking the streets getting whipped with the cold dry air!

Wintertime often means mornings waking up with a dry mouth, sore throat, and sinus congestion.

In Australia allergies can be rife, but the cooler drier air of winter exacerbates the symptoms. The symptoms of winter allergies are simply your standard seasonal allergy symptoms made more severe by the dry air. In addition, the colder weather makes it more likely that you'll stay inside, which exposes you to more indoor allergens such as dust, dander and pollen.

The moisture evaporating from the nasal channel lining warms and humidifies the air that is inhaled through the nose. Nasal congestion happens when the nasal lining is irritated and inflamed by exposure to allergens or to cold and dry air, which causes it to generate more mucus. The cooler air means this mucus dries out more quickly then in the warmer months.

This is often accompanied by a cough, brought on by the extra mucus irritating the throat and dripping down into it. Additionally, the extra mucus can clog the sinuses and become stuck, allowing germs to stay in the nasal cavity and flourish. Long-term exposure to the increasing germs can result in an infection. People with sensitive noses or nasal allergies, such as hay fever, will experience this reaction more strongly.

These conditions may cause you to touch your nose, rub, blow and interact with your nose more frequently. Which will irritate your skin around and inside the opening to your nose.

It's typical to have brief redness around your nose. The sensitive skin beneath your lip and around your nostrils can become irritated by environmental factors like wind, cold air, and allergies. Often resulting in red, sore, irritated or flakey skin.
You may be seeking for solutions because you frequently have this symptom and want to know if you should be concerned, or you may just be trying to find a quick cure.

To soothe the dry skin on your nose, try using the Nadu Soothe regularly. Soothe is great when you have irritated skin, a flu or sore skin on your nose.
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